Author Guidelines

Guidelines Regarding Submitted Manuscript

  1. Submitted manuscripts can be written in Indonesia or English and should not have been previously published. They should not be offered other journal publications while Jurnal VALID is under consideration.
  2. To ensure a double-blind review process, ensure that the author-identifying information (name, email and affiliation) is not included in the manuscript and completed in submission metadata.
  3. To ensure that manuscripts move through the review process smoothly and quickly, we ask authors to observe basic formatting and style requirements when submitting manuscripts. Submissions that do not follow Jurnal VALID guidelines may have to be returned for revision and resubmission to ensure the timely flow of manuscripts through the editorial process.
  4. We suggest that you circulate your manuscript among colleagues before submitting it to Jurnal VALID and make revisions based on their thoughtful suggestions. The reviewers should not be your first readers.


Writing Guidelines

To be sure that manuscripts move through the copyediting process, please observe the following guidelines:

Title: Title must be clear and informative and written using centre alignment and capitalized in each non-proposition word (For indexing purposes, kindly include three to five keywords that describe your paper).

Abstract: Please supply a one-paragraph abstract of up to 200 words for all articles components. This, as you know, is a precise summary of your entire paper, not just your conclusions, and must be able to stand alone, separate from the rest of the article. The abstract must be provided both in English and Bahasa.

Structure of the Manuscript Body: Please structure the body of the manuscript under the heading Introduction, Literature Review, Methods, Result and Discussion, and Conclusion, respectively (if needed, subheadings can be added). Directions for future works can be included in the conclusion text. The structure of the conceptual (normative) paper can be adjusted following acceptable qualitative rules in the academic arena.  

Acknowledgements: The names of any sponsors of your research, including grant numbers and/or people you would like to thank, may be included in an acknowledgements section that should appear immediately before your list of references when your paper is accepted for publication.

General Style:

We provided a template for authors regarding the writing style of Jurnal VALID that can be downloaded in the menu “Template”. A general style that authors must confirm is summarized as below:

  1. The suggested limit for paper length is 15-20 pages, including figures and tables. References should be single-spaced to conserve manuscript space. Please be sure that your paper is double-spaced and uses a 12-point readable font and 1-inch margins on all sides.
  2. Headings and subheadings are flush with the left-hand margin and the first line of the initial paragraph appearing under each is also left-justified. Other paragraphs in a section are indented.

In subheadings, only each non-proposition word is capitalized.

  1. Do not number sections.
  2. Do not use ampersands (&) unless it is a commonly used expression (e.g., R&D), part of a universally known product (e.g., M&Ms), or included in a company name (e.g., Standard & Poor’s).
  3. Commas appear before the final ‘and’ (also ‘or’) in a series.
  4. Double, rather than single, quotation marks are used.
  5. Per cent is spelt out in regular text, but a % sign is used in parenthesized text and figures.
  6. En dashes (–) rather than hyphens (-) denote a range, for example, 1996–2000; pages 124–155.
  7. Em dashes (—) rather than hyphens (--) separate a thought or phrase from the surrounding sentence. The sentence should stand alone if the material divided by em dashes were removed.
  8. Indicate where tables and figures are to appear in the text, for example, ‘Insert Table 1 here.’
  9. Numbers one to nine are spelt out and numbers ten and above appear as numerals. The exceptions are when numbers refer to ratings, code numbers, or begin a sentence. If a sentence starts with a number, the number must be spelt out. It is usually easier to rephrase the sentence.
  10. Footnotes, rather than endnotes, are incorporated into the text.
  11. Blocks of long quotations are indented and single-spaced.
  12. et al. is always italicized.
  13. Spell out all abbreviations at first use in the body of the article and use abbreviated forms after that, for example, return on investment (ROI). If an abbreviated form is used only once, it should be spelt out. This is for the benefit of readers, including students, some of whom may not be familiar with the meanings of all abbreviations.
  14. A zero (0) always appears in numbers less than 1 (e.g., 0.15, not .15). This holds true for tables and figures and within the text and footnotes.
  15. Appendices are placed after references. If there is only one Appendix, no number is needed after it (i.e., Appendix 1).

Figures and tables: Please do not incorporate your figures and/or tables into the text of your article other than a separate line, such as ‘Insert Table 1 here,’ where appropriate. After the references section, figures and tables should appear at the end of the manuscript. Do not embed other programs, such as PowerPoint, into the article.

  1. Figure numbers and titles appear centred below the figure, while Table numbers and titles appear above the table. Each non-proposition word of a title is capitalized.
  2. Only the first word in column and row titles is capitalized in tables and figures.
  3. Within tables and figures, a zero (0) always appears in numbers less than 1 (e.g., 0.15, not .15).
  4. Table values are to be aligned on the decimal except where values differ widely; such matters should be centred (this can, for example, apply to the N, R2, and F values in the final rows of a table).
  5. You may have your figures published in colour in electronic version. However, in the printable version, the colour will be black and white.

Reference and citation style: Jurnal VALID uses the author-date citation style referred from American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines. Citations in the text appear as name dates within parentheses and are listed alphabetically at the end of the paper. When a cited work has three or more authors, all authors should be written out at the first text citation and et al. used after that (italicize et al., whenever used). When reference is made to more than one work by the same author(s) published in the same year, identify each citation in the text in the following manner: (Collins, 2005a, 2005b). Online sources should end with the date of access. Please be sure that cited works in chapters in a book or articles in a magazine include page numbers. References should contain titles and subtitles.

All references must have a corresponding citation in the text and vice versa.

Examples of correct referencing style:

Badaracco, J. L. (1991). The Knowledge Link: How Firms Compete Through Strategic Alliances. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press

Bleeke, J., & Ernst, D. (Eds). (1993). Collaborating to Compete: Using Strategic Alliances and Acquisitions in the Global Marketplace. New York: John Wiley & Sons:

Book Chapters:

Bowman, E. H., & Singh H. (1990). Overview of corporate restructuring: trends and consequences. In Rock L, Rock RH (Eds), Corporate Restructuring (pp. 1-61), New York: McGraw-Hill.

Journal Articles:

Bagozzi, R., & Phillips, L. (1982). Representing and testing organizational theories: a holistic construal. Administrative Science Quarterly, 27(3), 459-489.

Grant, R. M. (1996). Toward a knowledge-based theory of the firm. Strategic Management Journal, Winter Special Issue 17, 109-122.

Arif, S., Ilyas, M., & Hameed, A. (2013). Student satisfaction and impact of leadership in private universities. The TQM Journal25(4), 399–416.

Working Papers:

Cohen, M.D., Nelson, R.R., & Walsh J.P. (2000). Protecting their intellectual assets: appropriability conditions and why U.S. manufacturing firms patent (or not). NBER working paper 7552, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA. Available at:

Child, J., & Yan, Y. (1999). Predicting the performance of international alliances: an investigation in China. Working paper, Chinese Management Centre, University of Hong Kong.

Conference Proceedings:

Stahl, G. (Ed.). (2002). Proceedings of CSCL ‘02: Computer support for collaborative learning. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Online Sources:

Rupley, S. (2010, February 26). The myth of the benign monopoly. Salon. Retrieved from on July 26 2016.