Author Guidelines

Guidelines Regarding Submitted Manuscripts

1. Submitted manuscripts can be written in Indonesian or English and have never been published before. They may not be offered another journal publication while the Accountable Journal: Scientific Journal of Accounting is being considered.

2. To ensure a double-blind review process, ensure that author identification information (name, email, and affiliation) is not included in the manuscript and is included in the submission metadata.

3. To ensure manuscripts pass through the review process smoothly and quickly, we ask authors to pay attention to basic formatting and style requirements when submitting manuscripts. Submissions that do not follow Accountable Journal guidelines may have to be returned for revision and resubmission to ensure timely flow of manuscripts through the editorial process.

4. We recommend that you circulate your manuscript to colleagues before sending it to the Accountable Journal: Accounting Scientific Journal and make revisions based on their wise suggestions. Reviewers should not be your first readers